This series includes industrialist Jamsetji Tata, scientist and former President APJ Abdul Kalam and actor Raj Kapoor.
Jamsetji Tata – Founder of the immensely successful Tata Group, India’s first conglomerate company, and the man who established Jamshedpur, Jamsetji Tata has changed the face of business in the country. His contribution to the cotton and iron industries helped strengthen India’s economy.
APJ Abdul Kalam – Fondly revered as one of the greatest leaders our country has ever seen, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s journey from an aerospace scientist to the president of the largest democracy in the world has been incredible.
Raj Kapoor – The greatest ‘showman’ in the history of Indian entertainment; actor, producer, and director Raj Kapoor has had a tremendous influence on Indian cinema. His journey in cinema started at the age of 10 and spanned close to 80 films over 55 years.
This product contains reading material as well as 5 interactive activities (3 inside the book and 2 additional sheets) and requires a child’s active participation. We’d love for your child to feel a deep connection with our books and to hold them dear.
Ages – 3 years and above
Pages: 30, with two additional activity sheets each.