Whether you’re a designer or a fashion enthusiast who doesn’t love impactful fashion, consciously choosing more responsible fabrics is one area where our choices can have a tangible impact on the wellbeing of the people, planet and animals.



It seems like Hemp is everywhere at the moment - it’s used in food, building materials, cosmetics and has been cultivated and used for hundreds of years as a fabric. The best thing about hemp is that it can be grown worldwide and requires very little water, no pesticides and naturally fertilizes the soil it grows in – making it better for the environment. One of the oldest fibers in the world. Hemp helps you keep warm in winters and cool in summers and gets softer the more you wash it, making it a sustainable choice in your wardrobe rotation for years to come.


Cotton is one of the most popular fabrics in the world because it’s light and breathable. But, growing conventional cotton can be problematic as it is the thirstiest and the most chemical-intensive crop. It requires a lot of pesticides and harms the planet and the people who grow it. Organic cotton, can however have a lower impact on the environment and is rapidly booming in the coming years. But, if you’re looking for the most responsible cotton, opt for recycled cotton - it’s made using post industrial and post consumer cotton waste. It has a lower impact on the environment and is a better alternative to both conventional and organic cotton. It also has the potential to help reduce water and energy consumption and helps keep cotton clothes keep out of landfills.



Linen is another plant that has been grown for centuries it’s derived from the flax plant. Linen requires minimum water and pesticides and even grows in poor quality soil. Plus, every part of the plant is used, so nothing is wasted. The fabric is naturally strong and when untreated – fully biodegradable. Except for being good for the environment, it can withstand high temperatures absorbing moisture without holding bacterial. It’s long lasting!



Wool is a durable animal derived fiber known for its warmth and comfort, but it is a resource intensive material and has many ethical concerns. However, recycled wool reduces the environment and ethical impacts significantly and is becoming a desired recyclable option. It’s also diverse and easy to blend with other fabrics making it a more versatile alternative.



Plant or fruit based “leather” made from the leaves of pineapples grown in Philippines is becoming very popular. It is sustainable and is animal free. It requires less water and no harmful pesticides to grow. The leftover leaves are recycled and used for fertilizer or biomass making it a great option for the environment.